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Astrology Readings

Your astrology chart is a snapshot of the sky the moment you were born. It captures where in the sky the planets were from the perspective of the Earth as the center view.


The way the planets relate to each other correspond to patterns and themes in all areas of your life's path. It details what impression you make, what kind of partner is good for you, how you handle finances, where you're in your element, and so much more. Love, family, relationships, inheritances... The sky isn't the limit in astrology!


There are dozens and dozens of different types of chart readings that can be done. I've listed the most popular with a brief explanation below. If there are others you know of and are curious about, ask me about them.


Our discussion will be in a easy to follow manner without confusing jargon used in astrology. I will analyze and discuss the indicators and cycles in your chart and translate it into  practical insight that you can apply to the real world.


All of your concerns and questions will be addressed in full. Your reading will be insightful, practical, and will put a smile on your face. 

There are times in our lives when things change so drastically in more than one avenue and you don't know why.


Wouldn't it be great if life came with a map? We'd be able to weather the uncertainties and get an explanation of why specific things have happened to you. We'd finally know why we're here and what we're meant to do.


Armed with that knowledge, you'll learn that you aren't alone and it's not all in your head.


Welcome to the power of your astrology chart!


That kind of power will help you understand your past, why things are currently happening in your life, and what kind of things you can expect in your upcoming future.

Millionaires don't use Astrology. Billionaires do.
                        - J.P. Morgan

The two most popular chart readings I do are Natal charts and Transits.

I also do Couples Readings, Love Readings, and AstroMapping (Astro*Carto*Graphy/A*C*G and Local Space Lines).

Natal chart readings, which is a snapshot of the sky at the time you were born, will identify the major strengths, challenges and themes in your life as indicated in your chart. I can help you define patterns, actions, and reactions, and the meaning of why you are here. Your reading will help you understand why you make the choices you make, your preferences, and that your life isn't a random path. By the end of your reading, you'll have renewed self-confidence and a sense of closure. If you never had an astrology reading done before, this is the reading I recommend you start with.


Readings last between 60 - 90 minutes. A consultation is $150.00. Due to the amount of time required for analysis before your reading, a deposit is required for Astrology readings. The deposit is fully refundable provided you cancel at least 24 hours before your appointment.

Transits readings are based on planets' cycles. It takes a snapshot of the current sky and composites it onto your natal chart. I will look at how the planetary cycles affect you for the upcoming year as well as strategies on how to maximize strengths and mimimize challenges. This reading is recommended if you already have had a Natal Chart Consultation. If you have questions about what's changed in your life, which decision to make, or what to expect in the future, this is the reading for you.


Readings last between 60 - 90 minutes. A consultation is $175.00. Due to the amount of time required for analysis before your reading, a deposit is required for Astrology readings. The deposit is fully refundable provided you cancel at least 24 hours before your appointment.

Astro-Mapping is an extremely powerful tool, especially if you are a transplant or if you felt like you've never fully fit if you live close to where you were born or if you plan on traveling or moving. 


There are several types of Astro-Mapping (or AstroMapping without the hyphen). The two most popular are Astro*Carto*Graphy (A*C*G) and Local Space Lines. 


Those are the two methods I use to explain the energies of the location(s) you ask about. Both methods are layered onto a single map, according to your natal chart. From there, I analyze and interpret your charts and maps for a thorough interpretation.


For more information on Astromapping, please click here

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