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People who lean on logic, philosophy, and rational exposition alone end by starving the best part of the mind.

- William Butler Yeats


Why Choose Me?


A prospective client wanted to know why she should choose me over other readers, what made me different. I share the reasons below: 





I like what I do:

I see you as an individual who is seeking answers. During your reading, you might find yourself laughing or crying, but it'll all feel so relieving to you - and that's the labor of love.


I have a strong background in science...

Science was my first love. It's very analytical but I'm dominated by my right-mind, meaning I'm inclined to think with my intuition. Having been the round peg forced to fit in a square hole, I can empathize.


Having had to prove things empiracally in the scientific world, I became very good at analysis to get to the core of an issue.




...yet I also use my intuition:

Though intuition alone can yield a good reading, intuition and logic together is even better. Readings go beyond piecing the puzzle together and analyzing the overall picture. Using logical analysis or intuition alone can lead to missed messages or bias. 




I'm one of the few readers who is astute in more than one divination arts.

Doing only one style of reading can limit to the amount of information that can manifest.


Think of it like layers of a map. A general map can show you the roads. Another layer can identify the buildings. Yet another layer determine the amount of traffic... You get the point. 


Some of my esoteric articles are published in newspapers and magazines:

You'll see some of them hanging on my wall. 

I've met more than my fair share of people and places: 

Travelling and meeting new people has exposed me to different cultural perspectives and knowledge. With that, the scope of my esoteric studies widened. It has also made me able to recognize to your situation and issues even if I haven't experienced them personally. 



I'm very familiar with the "corporate" setting:

I've held various positions in my life outside of psychic readings, i.e. my "day job" from entry level to department director in the white-collar world. No matter what the industry, there is a norm that falls within a certain scope when it comes to how we present ourselves and act towards others. I transfer that norm into my reading space. Good manners should be a given.  You will find me even keeled, well spoken, and predictable.


Nothing will shock me.

The majority of clients come during vulnerable times in their lives. Conventional methods haven't been able to solve or address their issues, so they seek other avenues for answers such as asking a psychic. I would never judge or shame you because you have an unusual issue. 



No one will know you came to me.

There is no reason to share, not even with a partner, friend, or family member. 

I honor my code of ethics:

Asides from following the code of ethics created by Astrology, Tarot, and Dowsing organizations which are specific to their field, I also developed a code of ethics based on experience. They were developed with you primarily in mind for your best benefit.


You won't get obscure jargon:

If you never had much to do with Astrology, you'd likely not know what I mean if I say, "Transiting Pluto is opposing your Mercury in your 10th house." 


For Palmistry, how likely is it that you would know what I mean if I told you that you have a chained love line?


For Tarot, some of those cards look SO ominous, like the 10 of Swords, or The Tower. 


I explain everything to you in the context of the reading. Moreover, I don't talk in riddles or deliver the reading interpretation in an obscure manner.


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